Hello world!
I'm Fabian.
Law student turned software engineer.
Born in
Hobbies including hacking on side projects, fighting gravity on rock walls, and adventuring in the mountains. I like pourovers and craft beers.

Featured Work
These are some of my work that I'm most proud of:
How to improve your data structures, algorithms, and problem-solving skills
My post popular post, with over 149K views. I wrote this while learning data structures and algorithms to prepare myself for technical interviews. -
Heimdall, an open-source email guardian hosted on AWS
Generates and manages replyable email aliases. Featured on Hacker News. I also wrote about it here. -
Github: /fterh/leetcode-curation-topical
A curation of Leetcode questions which I used to prepare for my technical interviews (it got me a job at Facebook!) -
sneakpeek, a good bot on Reddit
I built this to fetch news articles and post them as comments on /r/Singapore. Check it out in action here.